While we put a great deal of effort into coursework, licensures, degrees, certifications, building skill sets, etc. to prepare for our best advantages in our professional and work lives, we often do not give the same attention to building skills that will support us in the most important partnership – our marriages. I work with engaged couples and married couples to enhance and build their skills so they increase their opportunity for a more successful, fulfilling and long- lasting marital commitment.
After a detailed online assessment, I meet with couples in a format arranged around their circumstances considering timing, resources and needs. A frequent schedule might be a one-hour session for 6 to 8 weeks. During this time, we:
Prepare and Enrich is a heavily researched program designed to support the needs of new couples and couples who have been married for many years. Together with my counseling skills, I work to give couples the best possible opportunity for a successful, healthy and meaningful marriage.